Poet Yevgeny Yevtushenko and Vladimir Zunuzin in the artist`s studio / Ulyanovsk. December 2015
Artist Vladimir Zunuzin awarded with title of Honorary Member of Russian Academy of Arts. Congratulations from the President of the Russian Academy of Arts Zurab Tsereteli / Moscow, Russia. September 2016.
Meeting of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Arts / Moscow, Russia. September 2016
Zunuzin`s personal exhibition "Homecoming" dedication to Ye.Yevtushenko. The State Central Museum of Contemporary History of Russia / Moscow, Russia. 2018
Zunuzin`s personal exhibition "Homecoming" dedication to Ye.Yevtushenko. The State Central Museum of Contemporary History of Russia / Moscow, Russia. 2018
Zunuzin`s personal exhibition "Homecoming" dedication to Ye.Yevtushenko. The State Central Museum of Contemporary History of Russia / Moscow, Russia. 2018
Zunuzin`s personal exhibition "Homecoming" dedication to Ye.Yevtushenko. The State Central Museum of Contemporary History of Russia / Moscow, Russia. 2018
Guests in the Zunuzin`s artist studio / Ulyanovsk. 2017
In the studio. The Last Supper (Leonardo da Vinci Improvisation) / 2006
Vladimir Zunuzin in his studio / Ulyanovsk. 2016
Artist Zunuzin in the his studio at the computer / Ulyanovsk. 2019
An interview with Artist Zunuzin on the his personal exhibition "People of one village" in Modern art museum / Ulyanovsk, Russia. 2017
Zunuzin`s personal art exhibition "Reflections on works by Pablo Picasso" in Modern art museum / Ulyanovsk, Russia. 2017
Zunuzin paints a picture "Woman dressing her hair (Reflections on works by Pablo Picasso)" / Ulyanovsk. 2014
Zunuzin's personal exhibition "Improvisations on the production of great masters" / Modern art museum. Russia, Ulyanovsk. 2019
Zunuzin's personal exhibition "Improvisations on the production of great masters" / Modern art museum. Russia, Ulyanovsk. 2019
Zunuzin's personal exhibition "Improvisations on the production of great masters" / Modern art museum. Russia, Ulyanovsk. 2019
Lecture at the Art Museum / Ulyanovsk, Russia. 2011
Vladimir Zunuzin... He is an author of historical and modern pictures. He is also a portraitist. With all the variety of subjects he first of all is interested in a human being, its existence, his realized aspiration to cognise himself as a necessary part of a huge world without which this world would be unperfect. His almost monochromous pictures sometimes remind old photographs or cinefilms. They are devoided of amusing details and excessive verbose and they give the sence of contiguity with the primordial ("Adam and Eve") or modern world ("Self-portrait", "In the country").
The different straightly opposite approach in exposition of the theme has appeared in his works performed in the technic of digital graphics. And though as an immanent theme it revealed, in the paintings, in the computer graphics it acquired its full completeness. It was the computer graphics he was occupied the recent years with. He became the discoverer of many new technical and decorative possibilities of this kind of creation. Due to them he acquired unexplored before freedom in embodiment of his ideas.
Graphic works of Zunuzin are logically subdivided into cycles. In one case he transfers on the sheet of paper the painting subjects put together as multi-layer and many-coloured mosaic panel but converted into another language - computer language. But most of ail the painter becomes keen on the possibility to create his own world from the elements - "atoms" every of which is perceived as an abstraction. Gathered together the elements like the deceptive pictures give the image of real or almost real world. His appeal to the great art heritage of the past is not occasional. He uses the fragments of pictures by masters of Renaissance, Baroque not as the applications but as the paradigm of the theme.
The painter is modeling the world of the new reality with the memory of the great past. For him it is the return to the sources, to the primogeniture of the art on the new spire of the history. This history is not even modern. It is as if future. In his works behind the seeming spontaneity there is the mathematic adjustment of constructions. In this new reality the painter can create the special space constructed from the signs-symbols. The temple, the interior, the streets of the medieval cities, the hills are surrounded, with virtual world. Sometimes this transfigured world seems to be the reminiscences. They may be concrete, deep in a definite epoch or they may be from area of the future cosmic sensation. The endlessness of the variants as well as the endless changeableness of the world, equally with the eternity of the true values of the past create the new alloy of the stable semantic and new reality constantly coming into being.
Helen Sergeeva, Art Historican, Head of Modern Art Museum (Ulyanovsk)